We are conducting online courses in niche areas of journalism and mass communication under the banner of Newswriters.
So far we have conducted five courses and several interactions in collaboration with different central universities and the Press Club of India.
Our next course is in financial journalism. The Press Club of India and the Newswriters are jointly conducting the course. The course is in online mode. Sessions to be held in the evening hours from 6.30 to 8.30 pm.
Senior financial journalists and market experts will interact with the participants on various aspects of financial journalism and the working of financial markets. This is a paid course to meet the running expenses.
As you may be aware, the Press Club of India is one of the largest organisations of working journalists. The Newswriters is a platform launched by some media academicians and journalists to offer online courses in the niche areas of journalism and mass communication, to strengthen journalism education in the country and to create bridges between media academics and the news industry.
Following is the link for registration to receive the course brochure through email: