Author: newswriters

Definition of NewsNews is a report of any current event, idea or problem which interest large number of people BUT it acquires different meanings and concepts in different political, economic and socio-cultural environment.What makes news?New informationNew perspective and Role of News MediaHow things work, How things are supposed to work; and How things normally work NewsworthinessHow to decide newsworthiness of an event, idea or problem (Evaluating information or any other information package)Audience ImpactConsequencesProximityTimelinessProminence (Size)ContextPolicy ParametersSpecific Informational ValueUnusualnessConflict

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Uddipana Goswami |In conflict reporting, there are a few basic duties that conflict reporters should adhere to at all times while reporting a conflict situation. But in both disaster reporting and conflict reporting, a vital question remains unanswered: how much violence, death and destruction can be written about or shown on television, or broadcast to radio listeners?In recent years there has been a rapid advancement in media technology and reach. This has coupled with an escalating demand for all categories of information from around the world in every corner of the world. As a result, there has been a concomitant…

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Shubhash Dhuliya |The information revolution has taken place at such a fast pace that it has become difficult to fully and comprehensively interpret its implications. The technological advance camouflaged in the total package of globalization has acquired such an imposing and rampaging form that the developing countries have been left with little space and time to tailor it to meet their specific national development and information needs.A critical examination of the information revolution shows that it has not brought about any fundamental changes in the international political, economic and social structure. At the most the information society can be seen…

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आधुनिक समाज के निर्माण में संचार की अहम भूमिका है । सूचनाओं के आदान प्रदान की प्रवृत्ति के साथ साथ इसका दायरा बढना भी विकास के आधारभूत तत्वों में से एक है । सामान्य तौर पर एक व्यक्ति से दूसरे व्यक्ति का सूचना साझा करना भी संचार है किंतु जब यही प्रवृत्ति एक व्यापक जनसमुदाय और विस्तृत भौगोलिक क्षेत्र तक विस्तार पाती है इस जनसंचार कहा जाता है । संचार के विभिन्न साधनों का विकास मानव सभ्यता के विकास के समानांतर चलता रहा है । यह कहना अतिश्योक्ति नहीं होगी कि यह दोनों बातें एक दूसरे की समानार्थी ही हैं…

Read More is an educational platform launched by a group of media academicians and professionals to impart training in niche and emerging areas in the different streams of journalism, communication and digital mediaEmail: platform will be conducting the following online courses during the year 2023. 1. Data Storytelling2. Data Visualisation3. Multimedia and Content Development4. Corporate Communication and Brand Building5. Fashion and Lifestyle Journalism6. Television Reporting and Anchoring7. Digital Media and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)8. Theatre, Performing Art, and Acting9. Audio Storytelling and Podcasting Registration Link to receive updates:

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Prof. Jaishri Jethwaney |Internet and its access & reach across the world have been the most defining technological breakthroughs that the world has witnessed in the last few decades. In fact internet has changed the way we see and interpret our world. It has got us in touch with people we may never meet in life but who share our hopes, aspiration, ideology and miseriesDigital PR often referred as E-PR, Online PR or PR 2.0 is defined as the communication vide the internet and the use of new technology to effectively communicate with an organization’s varied stakeholders.Internet and its access…

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