Author: newswriters

We are conducting online courses in niche areas of journalism and mass communication under the banner of Newswriters. So far we have conducted five courses and several interactions in collaboration with different central universities and the Press Club of India. Our next course is in financial journalism. The Press Club of India and the Newswriters are jointly conducting the course. The course is in online mode. Sessions to be held in the evening hours from 6.30 to 8.30 pm. Senior financial journalists and market experts will interact with the participants on various aspects of financial journalism and the working of financial markets. This is…

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मुकुल श्रीवास्तव इंटरनेट शुरुवात में किसी ने नहीं सोचा होगा कि यह एक ऐसा आविष्कार बनेगा जिससे मानव सभ्यता का चेहरा हमेशा के लिए बदल जाएगा | आग और पहिया के बाद इंटरनेट ही वह क्रांतिकारी कारक जिससे मानव सभ्यता के विकास को चमत्कारिक गति मिली|इंटरनेट के विस्तार के साथ ही इसका व्यवसायिक पक्ष भी विकसित होना शुरू हो गया|प्रारंभ में इसका विस्तार विकसित देशों के पक्ष में ज्यादा पर जैसे जैसे तकनीक विकास होता गया इंटरनेट ने विकासशील देशों की और रुख करना शुरू किया और नयी नयी सेवाएँ इससे जुडती चली गयीं | इंटरनेट एंड मोबाईल एसोसिएशन ऑफ़ इण्डिया की…

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Dr. Pradeep Mahapatra Digital transformation of local news platforms in the developed nations has created a new chapter in the post-Covid19-pandemic world order. While the local print daily and weekly newspapers continue to close their operation or migrate into digital format, a good number of independent digital native news platforms have emerged. Research findings denote that people in such geographies prefer to access local news from websites, apps and social media instead of television, radio or print platforms. ‘Pew Research Center’ of United States of America conducted a research during January 2024 to understand societal habit in consuming local news.…

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byJORDYN HABIB The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has generated excitement and fear alike within the news industry, prompting many to ponder what lies in store for journalism’s future. If approached smartly and leveraged strategically, AI offers journalists and their outlets promising potential to boost efficiency and innovation. In an ICFJ Empowering Truth Summit session, ICFJ Knight Fellow Nikita Roy, founder of the digital news startup, The NRI Nation, and the podcast, Newsroom Robots, discussed how journalists and newsrooms can use AI to enhance their reporting. “I think we [journalists] need to be one of the most informed citizens on AI. We owe it…

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Dr. Pradeep Mahapatra While news industry worldwide continue to struggle with defects in business models, loss of public faith and news avoidance by the consumers in the post-Covid19-pandemic New Normal, the growing trend of accessing news from online non-news sites turns the media environment more toxic. After 300 years of supremacy of the print media in dissemination of news, new mediums such as radio, television and cinema appeared during the twentieth century and adjusted themselves in the prevailing structural framework. However, spread of internet during the last decade of twentieth century and emergence of social media from the beginning of…

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BYCOLLEEN MCCLAIN,MONICA ANDERSONANDRISA GELLES-WATNICK The experiences and views of each site’s users – from how much political content they see to the platforms’ impact on democracy Social media platforms are often at the center of the nation’s political debates – from free speech and harassment to the fate of democracy itself. Companies’ decisions about who and what to allow on their platforms have taken on even more weight ahead of the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Results from a Pew Research Center survey conducted in March 2024 shed new light on this environment. Americans’ experiences with politics on social media often depend on…

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In recent years, several new options have emerged in the social media universe, many of which explicitly present themselves as alternatives to more established social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube – especially by opposing free speech restrictions they say are rife at those sites. These newer sites have created a small but satisfied community of news consumers, many of whom say one of the major reasons they are there is to stay informed about current events, according to a new Pew Research Center study. The study included a survey of U.S. adults along with an audit of…

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A young woman’s hands are locked into handcuffs as she “slaves away” on a white computer keyboard, against a white background. Could symbolize being stuck in a demanding or boring job or maybe she’s addicted to online browsing! Dr. Pradeep Mahapatra In the mass-media sphere all creative content undergo scrutiny at several layers before publication. For example, when a reporter files a story for newspaper, it has to be cleared by one or more professional editors to be fit for printing. Policy for selection of news and opinion for individual news organisations are determined by the publisher, editor or editorial…

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Jacob Granger “What sort of journalism do we need to teach?” is the question at the heart of a new book Challenges and New Directions in Journalism Education. In the UK, university is the main way to enter the profession – nine in 10 journalists hold a university qualification. Speaking on the podcast, book editor Karen Fowler-Watt, said she wanted to lift the lid on how curriculums were designed. She explores various topics with a range of academic peers and every chapter includes a reality check from her journalism students. “It’s about showing students how messy, difficult, challenging and…

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